When Did Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello Break Up

May 2024 · 4 minute read

When Did Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello Break Up -: In the world of celebrity romances, it’s not uncommon for relationships to make headlines just as frequently as the latest blockbusters or chart-topping songs. One such high-profile couple that has been in the spotlight is Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. Their relationship, which has seen its fair share of ups and downs, had fans rooting for their love story. However, like many young couples in the public eye, they faced challenges, and the question on everyone’s mind was, “When did Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello break up?” The answer to that question is a bit complex, as their relationship has had multiple chapters. Let’s take a closer look at the timeline of their romance.

The Beginning: From Friendship to Love

Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello’s love story began as a beautiful friendship. They first crossed paths while touring together in 2014, both rising stars in the music industry. Their connection was evident, and they quickly became best friends.

Over the years, their bond deepened, and they finally took the leap from friendship to romance. In 2019, they confirmed their relationship and became one of the most beloved celebrity couples. Fans couldn’t get enough of their adorable Instagram posts and public displays of affection.

The First Breakup: November 2021

As much as fans adored Shawn and Camila together, the reality of life in the public eye brought its own set of challenges. In November 2021, after dating for two years, the couple decided to part ways. They made the announcement on their Instagram Stories, saying, “Hey guys, we’ve decided to end our romantic relationship but our love for one another as humans is stronger than ever. We started our relationship as best friends and will continue to be best friends… We so appreciate your support from the beginning and moving forward.”

The breakup was amicable, and they emphasized their enduring friendship. It was a heartfelt moment for their fans who had been rooting for their love story.

Rekindling at Coachella: April 2023

Fast forward to April 2023, and Shawn and Camila surprised everyone by reigniting their romance. It all started with a kiss at Coachella, one of the most famous music festivals in the world. The world watched in awe as they shared a passionate moment on stage, reigniting hopes for their love story.

The Second Breakup: June 2023

Unfortunately, the flames of their rekindled romance didn’t burn as brightly as fans had hoped. Just a few months after their Coachella kiss, news broke that Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello had ended their relationship once again.

According to an Entertainment Tonight source, they gave it another try, but the timing simply wasn’t right for either of them. Both Shawn and Camila were focused on their own careers and keeping busy with various projects.

People magazine reported that Cabello had started dating other people, signaling that her romance with Mendes had come to an end. Interestingly, neither Mendes, Cabello nor their representatives confirmed or commented on the breakup officially.

The Sun was the first to report the split, with a source stating, “Shawn and Camila have a lot of history, and they tested the waters again after coming back into each other’s lives. But it was just a fling and they’ve put an end to it now. They realized it was probably a mistake to give things another shot. Things ended between them the first time for a reason, after all. In reality, both of them know they aren’t right for each other romantically and now they just want to move on.”

The last time they were seen together was on May 25, 2023, in what appears to be their final public appearance as a couple.


In summary, Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello’s relationship has been a rollercoaster ride, with moments of love and friendship, as well as heartbreak and separation. While fans continue to support them individually, they will likely always wonder what could have been for this dynamic duo. Despite their romantic journey coming to an end, their enduring friendship remains a testament to the deep bond they share. Only time will tell what the future holds for these two talented artists.


How long were Camila and Shawn together?

Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes were together as a couple for approximately two years, from 2019 to November 2021 when they first broke up.

Is Camila Cabello Shawn Mendes ex?

Yes, Camila Cabello was Shawn Mendes’s ex-girlfriend. They were in a romantic relationship before their first breakup in November 2021 and again during their rekindled romance in 2023 before breaking up once more in June 2023.

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