Ronda Rousey Reveals How Travis Browne Proposed Marriage Over A Dead Animal

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Ronda Rousey recently set off a smoke alarm while cooking with Chef Gordon Ramsey. The Hell’s Kitchen host said that he was “sh*tting” himself to have her on the show. He also said “I’m not letting her near my f*cking arm.”

Rousey brought beef and eggs from Browsey Acres to cook with Gordon Ramsey. The beef she brought was from her cow Kobe. The eggs came from three of her chickens as well.

Gordon said that his daughters look up to Ronda Rousey and he asked her if she knows that so many girls look up to her. Rousey said that she knows her daughters will have to deal with less sh*t than she did. Her mother fought hard to do the same for her.

Ramsey and Rousey had a blast cooking up breakfast burritos. The farm life was also a theme of the discussion.

Rousey explained that she became interesting in living on a farm after becoming obsessed with zombies. Her husband Travis Browne is a huge survivalist as well so that created a perfect situation to open Browsey Acres.

Rousey says she doesn’t miss fighting in the Octagon, but she does miss the little things like training and “hitting the mitts.”

Gordon Ramsey also asked Ronda Rousey how Travis Brown proposed to her. They were in New Zealand she he shot an animal with an arrow which caused it to topple into a ravine. They went after it and Rousey said they found their target under the waterfall with an arrow sticking out. “It was so beautiful,” she said.

Then as they stood over a dead animal, Travis Browne proposed to her very simply.

“He said, ‘hey babe, I know it’s over a dead animal, but we’re in New Zealand and in a waterfall, will you marry me?’ I’m like, what?!”

Obviously, Rousey said yes. She admitted to saying yes before he could really finish the question. It seemed like the perfect situation, even if there was a dead animal between them.

The smoke detector did go off so they had to shut down taping for a while, but they were soon cooking once again. You can check out the video below.

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
